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About your loan application

About your loan application

Parašykite autoriui
Christelle (Užsienio šalis)

Dear customers I have no other way to contact you reason why I sent you this mail hoping it will lead to a business relationship. I apologize for any inconvenience this mail may cause you. I would like to bring to your attention that I offer my offer of special loan ranging from 5 000 € to 25 000 000 € refundable on an annual interest rate of 1,5%. I have a bank account at 4800 in France where are my pensions and my particular salary. You need to make a loan, please note the areas in which I can help you: * Funds * Immovable * Investment loans * Auto Loan * Debt Consolidation * Line of credit * Second mortgage * Credit Repurchase * Loans Bank forbidden you are rejecting and you have no favor to near your banks, or better have a project and need financing, bad credit or need money to pay bills, funds that invests in companies . So, if you need a loan, please contact me to have more precision on my loan offer. E-mail address : WhatsApp number: +33745592638
Atsiskaitykite su pardavėjais tik gavę prekę ar paslaugą. Jokiu būdu neatlikite išankstinių mokėjimų ir neteikite savo asmeniniu duomenų!!!
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